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Congratulations to Dr. Najafi for the Sea Grant awards in the LaSSO program

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Congratulations to Dr. Najafi for the Sea Grant awards in the LaSSO program. The project title is "Emerging Computing for Underwater Image Processing". The principal investigator is M. Hassan Najafi, assistant professor in the School of Computing and Informatics. Jonas Schmidt, a computer science and mathematics major, is the student researcher. The project will explore the application of emerging computing techniques in underwater image processing. Within the scope of the project, the research team will develop and implement a lightweight hardware design for underwater image processing by employing hyperdimensional computing (HDC) and stochastic computing (SC). The project will receive $4,000 in funding. LaSSO is directed at science and engineering students who are working on projects in research areas deemed a priority by both the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The intent of LaSSO is to supplement and enhance the undergraduate academic curriculum by providing science/engineering students with a hands-on, mentored research experience relevant to space, earth, coastal and/or marine sciences.

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